well as followers may know i have one or two pets of the scaly type.....well.....48 reptiles!
and as i'm all finished uni now i thought i'd direct my blog towards more personal things than just wingeing about uni. so, my pets are endangered! following the ban in america europe has followed suit. europe now has movements in place considering a ban on invasive species, including reptiles!
this could potentially mean keepers are banned from breeding and selling reptiles, or could go as far as keepers being forced to have their pets euthanised!!! different species will be evaluated, if they are considered potentially invasive species anything could happen!!!
while the EU had published a questionnaire regarding the ban, they missed the point of freedom of speech all together! most of the questions in the questionaire had attached conditions, for instance what would happen to the species already kept in captivity, what about breeding, etc. people answering could not select one right answer without condemning their pets due to the selective wording of the questions.
continuous updates of the progress can be found on www.reptileforums.co.uk, and anyone out there who supports our hobby needs to be vigilant! please help the reptile keeping community in any way now while you still can!
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