Friday, 11 March 2011

of lost things and found things and wonderful university IT technicians!

well i managed to leave my usb memory stick at uni for the 3 time this week, after being pretty sure i put it in my bag! after a screaming match with the boyfriend (in which he said lots of mean things but did tell me to buy a bag things couldn't fall out of, so i'll take that as 'go and buy another handbag darling') i went to bed last night very annoyed an angry, more with myself for losing it than him for shouting really, since i did start the shouting.
Luckily the technician at uni has learnt that i'm pretty useless and regularly lose important things, he remember which memory stick is mine when someone hands it in! I walked past his desk this morning mumbling to myself about having to start work i'd done all over again and he waved my memory stick at me!
so of lost things and found things! and an ode to wonderfull IT technicians everywhere! thank you!


  1. remember the old advice, never go to bed angry ... stay up and fight:-)
    love love love the dress, can't wait to see it close up.
    much love

  2. haha i would have stayed up and fought but i was quite angry and i knew it wasn't his fault i was just taking it out on him (he was shouting back because he was recovering from his 25 hours in two days of work!)

    thank you! you'll have to come up and see it!or i can bring it down if we're down to see you next

    much love xx
