Thursday, 10 March 2011

reading list

well since finding that the library at university actually had an amazing selection of books on 18th century fashion, and drifting around somewhat and ending up finding rather a lot of other books i fancied reading i now have quite a lot of books waiting to be read

at the minute i'm nearly finished a biography of madame de pompadour (louis xiv's mistress), which goes into amazing detail of the clothing worn during the period. This is definatly one that will have to be blogged about when i'm finished it, but for the minute i'm just going to leave you in suspense!

a few others on the waiting list include -
'the culture of clothing - dress and fashion in the anchiene regime' by daniel roche
(this is one that i found on uni's online library catalogue, and i've spent the last 3 weeks looking for it in the library, its a pretty big place!)
'the second sex' by simone de beaviour
(on feminism, looks interesting, it was one that was named during a lecture and sounded pretty good so i thought i'd give it a go)

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